On April 6, 2009 and then again on September 14, 2009, Dan Fisher's STD laden hatchett boy, Sam Brower, brought a heavy load of gawkers into the Creek for a day of merriment, voyeurism and a showing of unity in their mutual bigotry and hatred of the children and parents of a religion they all despise and have vowed to crush.
The vow is an American Right for things of their ilk, so that in itself could not be challenged by me, but I DID want to know who was picking up the tab for this showing of blatant persecution of these children, which had now been going on for one full year back in their home turf, the sewer of Texas.
Every single one of these porkers who crawled out of the rented luxury car were San Angelo, Texas CASA workers, and these kinds of people NEVER pay their own way. I knew that either Dan Fisher was picking up the Tab, or CASA was.
I doubted that Dan was footing the bill simply because I had already asked the IRS to figure out how much 501 (3) (c) money he was funneling into his private vendetta against the Church and family he had so miserably failed and abused in the past. Good old Dr. Dan wasn't about to be using any Tax Free money while the IRS studies his spending habits, so he was out as the source.
I knew damned well that our STD laden pal wasn't footing the bill, he never bought a condom in his life that wasn't paid for by Dr. Dan.
That left the only possibility being CASA credit cards and Expense Accounts.
Now if you read the propaganda, CASA "Helps" children by being their advocate in Court. That's the myth. Their are a Court appointed advocate that are supposed to do independent investigations concerning the children they are assigned to and then "Report" to the Court, independent of the States view, or the parents view. They tell the Court the "Real" story. Horseshit!
The fact of the matter is, if a CASA does not fall in lock-step with CPS, they are out of there. For example, NOT ONE CASA thought that ripping the F LDS children out of their mothers arms was a bad idea. This, despite what the Appeals Court said was "No evidence whatsoever on the Record that the children were ever in any immediate danger". What exactly did CASA see that the Appeals Court did not? You may cut it any way you like, CASA is a rubber stamp for CPS, nothing more, nothing less.
Now, exactly one year later, here were these same CASA workers peering through second story bedroom windows with binoculars looking for what? Mormon underwear? And more importantly, who was paying for this pantie raid?
The junkets had started and ended in Las Vegas, so the first task was to find out if CASA had any "Meetings" or "Conferences" going on alongside the slot machines and roulette wheels to make the expenses "Legitimate" as far as Uncle Sam was concerned. No, during this time frame, CASA was not offering any freebies to Vegas to hide the real purpose of the trip.
That meant the damsels either paid for the trip out of their own pockets, or, Joe Taxpayer was paying for their fetishes. Now anybody who knows a government worker, knows that they pay for NOTHING if they can help it.
That could only mean that Tax Free money was being used for private, personal use. I wondered if CASA knew that? I wondered if CASA condoned that? I wondered if CASA even KNEW about the junkets?
Lately, CASA has an image problem. It's kind of like the "Little Sisters of the Poor" who made an illiterate Texan a multi-millionaire because they thought he was going to become a billionaire. The problem is that every time CASA turns around, one of their folks is audited and is found to have run off with half a million or so from the CASA till. Like the "Little Sisters of the Poor", where do these bimbets even come up with this kind of money, after all, they are merely "Volunteer's" who work for nothing and are not supported by the State. (If you believe that, I have a bridge to sell you).
The truth is; CASA is well funded with Tax money and is every bit a part of the child stealing business that CPS is. They are full partners. Each Chapter has millions of dollars to spend, and CASA does little, if any, oversight over that money until somebody starts asking questions and they HAVE to do an audit.
Surprise, surprise. You've just been audited Debbie. The only remaining question is; do you take the fall for the whole thing, or do the rest of the damsels that enjoyed the laundry show also be held responsible? Does Shirley Davis and Heather Ward step up to the plate or leave Debbie swinging alone? We shall see what CASA has to say about that, I sent all the pictures of the pantie peepers to Washington for them to figure out. Naturally, if that doesn't stop our voyeuristic pals, we can see what the IRS thinks about footing their fetishes.
Arriving in the Creek isn't exactly like going to Vegas. After being persecuted for their entire lives, when the dreck arrives in their midst, the locals know it.
This is a shot of Andrew Chatwin's house in the Creek. Lard ass and her galpals went to Andrew's to try to get a peek at some Mormon underwear. Next door to Andrew, lives Willie Jessop. Peering through binoculars from Andrew's second story window, it's not known how much of their fetish was satisfied, but they were in the house for a good half hour getting their jollies off.
By the way, can anybody guess who's credit card payed for the Nevada rental car with license number 953-UTR? CASA knows!
As if they didn't already have enough problems, the damsels stopped in for a side of beef.
It must be something in the air in Texas. Are ALL the women there as big as the cows?
If she's not pregnant, she should be.
Poor Sam's wife. It appears women are ALWAYS a part of his business.
Yes dear, you were being watched. So what was Lover Boy looking at?
And how clean is Onice Luna and Heather Ward? We'll find out.
The bottom line here girls is that if you're going to be calling people bastards, you had better make damned sure of your own lineage first!
The mistake made by folks like Natalie, Angie, Debbie, Shirley, Sam, Dan and Greg Prickette was that they all thought that they could persecute folks with immunity.
If you're going to pretend you're better than those Mormons, than I plan to hold you to it. My first suggestion is that you take off your CPS and barbie knee pads, they're a dead giveaway.
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Saturday, May 21, 2011
This was e mailed to me by GOSANANGELO:
SAN ANGELO, Texas — The Children’s Advocacy Center of Tom Green County potentially incurred losses of about $66,000 in the form of improper or fabricated expense reimbursements paid to the center’s former executive director, Debra Brown, according to documents obtained by the Standard-Times.
(Note the benign terms "Losses", "Improper", "Fabricated".)
An audit performed by Steve Dawson, a partner with Bolinger, Segars, Gilbert & Moss LLP of Lubbock, at the request of the CAC board, found approximately that amount in questionable expense claims by Brown. The audit covered a period of about two years.
("Questionable expenses". That's a quaint term for Grand Larceny.)
The audit questions airfare reimbursements for trips taken by Brown, furniture purchases that did not appear valid and expense claims for clothing and gift cards. Dawson said CAC staff interviewed for the audit said they had never seen the furniture or gift cards.
Brown did not return a phone message requesting her comments on the report. Keith Davis, listed as Brown’s attorney, could not be reached for comment.
The audit, which is about 500 pages including copies of receipts and checks, will cost the center $15,000.
(Because the local cops, Texas Rangers, and Sheriff would not touch the judges wife with a 10 foot pole. Now why is that?)
Dawson divided the audit into 34 exhibits, 30 of which examine sets of reimbursement claims called into question.
The center’s total budget for 2010 was $964,230.
(Blatantly UNTRUE. (Lets call it a lie) The CAC 2010 budget was for that amount.
They so conveniently forget CASA of Tom Green County INC (Federal Employye ID number 75-2169081) who receives ANOTHER million bucks from the State and Fed's to abuse and rape kids.)
The CAC provides intervention and prevention services in Tom Green County in cases involving child abuse or neglect. It’s made up of Court Appointed Special Advocates, Family Enrichment Services, Hope House and the Child Fatality Review Team. The center is funded by private donations and state, federal and local grants.
(Private donations total LESS than 3% of their annual budget. EVEN THEN, most was stolen before it could be used for the children.)
Brown’s yearly salary was $68,500.
(Plus whatever she could steal)
Brown resigned Feb. 28 following a decision by the CAC’s executive board to place her on paid administrative leave.
(First, she collected her paycheck for another 7 weeks.)
Emails obtained by the Standard-Times indicate the questions arose when a CAC employee noticed discrepancies in the center’s financial records.
(Questions arose after Shirley and the rest of them saw their pictures on my sites along with my questioning who was footing the bill for their junkets to the twin towns).
Brown had been employed by the CAC since 1994, said board President Monty Stanley.
(Who, to this day, refuses to condemn the wife of Judge Brown.)
Her husband is Tom Green County Judge Mike Brown.
(Who determines the salaries of every County Employee including judges. He is NOT the kind of dude you want to piss off, since he has a larger reputation for being a prick than his wife has.)
Stanley is the human resources director for the Standard-Times.
(And sat on the information that debbie was stealing public funds ever since "Out of fairness" to the judges wife.)
In an interview with Dawson summarized in the executive summary, Hope House Program Director Melody Jeter told him she never suspected wrongdoing on Brown’s part before questions began to be raised.
“Specifically, Ms. Jeter was told to sign blank checks by Ms. Brown, for the purpose of emergency disbursement needs such as when the Center would hold a volunteer lunch and the caterer would need to be paid upon delivery,” Dawson wrote. Jeter testified she did this “quite often” and didn’t understand the implications those actions could have.
(The janitor would have known, why not a Program Director?)
The auditor said that three employees told him in interviews they had seen Brown go into files after she had been questioned by the executive board and “had been pulling check copies and placing them in the trash.”
(The technical terms that they avoid at all costs is "Obstructing Justice", "Tampering with Public Records", and "Grand Theft". (Destroying a public record is considered Grand Theft, since the value of the document by State Statute exceeds $1,000.00) You can add "Burglary" to the charges, since she would have known (Intent), that she did NOT have permission or authority to destroy the Records)
Former program director Heather Ward, who was named interim executive director after Brown was put on leave, testified that many reimbursement items were for stamps from the Shipping Point. She said the center uses a postage meter and does not use stamps.
(And of course Heather never knew that 6 of her fellow employee's were on junkets on the agencies dime?)
An Expedia document giving a flight and hotel summary for a booked trip to San Diego from Jan. 23, 2010, to Jan. 29, 2010, listed five women, including Brown. Belinda Braly, Deidre McCoy, Yvonne Garcia and Heather Ward testified that they didn’t go on the trip. In the audit was a copy of the reimbursement check paid to Brown for $5,895.
(And no mention of 2 trips to Las Vegas and Utah?)
In October 2010, according to the executive summary for the audit, CAC staff were told the agency couldn’t make payroll because it didn’t have enough money. During that month, the audit executive summary said, Brown instructed a staff member to make up an $8,000 reimbursement check for her.
It was at that point that the staff member took her concerns about Brown’s reimbursements to the CAC board, the summary said.
(So with debbie tossing documents like confetti from the files, Monty and the Board sat there on their thumbs for another 3 months (Oct - Jan) until they finally asked debbie to take a paid vacation)
CAC delivered copies of the audit to funders — agencies that award the center grants — earlier this week.
(Two months after they knew debbie was doing creative book keeping, and weeks after those same local agencies awarded them this years budget amounts.)
The Standard-Times received a copy of the audit and executive summary Thursday, a day after filing a Freedom of Information Act request for the documents.
(Which were previously DENIED to the paper because HEATHER claimed the funds involved came from PRIVATE donors and NOT PUBLIC FUNDS. (Legal bullshit for her to claim in the 1st place. ALL monies donated to a 501 (c) (3) become PUBLIC funds as regards the I.R.S.)
Ward said that throughout the investigation, the center’s focus has remained on services for children, both preventive and intervention for abused children. No child was denied service because of potential financial loss.
(Smoke and mirrors: First of all, how would Heather have known if services were denied or not if she didn't know money was being stolen? According to the record, There wasn't even enough money to pay staff in October, 2010. Heather is telling us that children were not DENIED SERVICES, but she doesn't claim children were not OFFERED the services either. Something not offered CANNOT be something DENIED, now can it? (Cute, huh?).
Last year the center provided service to approximately 1,345 children, parents and guardians over 13 counties.
(Just what "Service" did they provide? Food?, Clothing?, Shelter?, Transportation?, Medical Treatment?, Education?, Recreational?, Psychological Services? We KNOW they didn't even get a Christmas present, so what EXACTLY did the children, parents and "Guardians" receive directly from CASA? (Besides requests for SANE exams on little boys).
“Our caseloads are full; our children continue to be served,” Ward said.
One change that has been made was that the executive director no longer opens the bank statement for the center, Ward said.
(Welcome to the REAL world of sound accounting practices).
Another new procedure is that checks must be signed by the executive director and a board member, namely the treasurer.
Ward said she and four board members are the only ones authorized to sign checks. In the past that action wasn’t always taken.
(Brilliant observation Heather.)
“This is not the case anymore,” Ward said. “All staff are aware of that and it’s strictly enforced.”
She said program directors, who were never invited before, are now asked to attend board meetings.
“We’re trying to be as transparent as possible,” Ward said.
(Which explains why she waited over two months before she released the report from the auditors.)
SAN ANGELO, Texas — The Children’s Advocacy Center of Tom Green County potentially incurred losses of about $66,000 in the form of improper or fabricated expense reimbursements paid to the center’s former executive director, Debra Brown, according to documents obtained by the Standard-Times.
(Note the benign terms "Losses", "Improper", "Fabricated".)
An audit performed by Steve Dawson, a partner with Bolinger, Segars, Gilbert & Moss LLP of Lubbock, at the request of the CAC board, found approximately that amount in questionable expense claims by Brown. The audit covered a period of about two years.
("Questionable expenses". That's a quaint term for Grand Larceny.)
The audit questions airfare reimbursements for trips taken by Brown, furniture purchases that did not appear valid and expense claims for clothing and gift cards. Dawson said CAC staff interviewed for the audit said they had never seen the furniture or gift cards.
Brown did not return a phone message requesting her comments on the report. Keith Davis, listed as Brown’s attorney, could not be reached for comment.
The audit, which is about 500 pages including copies of receipts and checks, will cost the center $15,000.
(Because the local cops, Texas Rangers, and Sheriff would not touch the judges wife with a 10 foot pole. Now why is that?)
Dawson divided the audit into 34 exhibits, 30 of which examine sets of reimbursement claims called into question.
The center’s total budget for 2010 was $964,230.
(Blatantly UNTRUE. (Lets call it a lie) The CAC 2010 budget was for that amount.
They so conveniently forget CASA of Tom Green County INC (Federal Employye ID number 75-2169081) who receives ANOTHER million bucks from the State and Fed's to abuse and rape kids.)
The CAC provides intervention and prevention services in Tom Green County in cases involving child abuse or neglect. It’s made up of Court Appointed Special Advocates, Family Enrichment Services, Hope House and the Child Fatality Review Team. The center is funded by private donations and state, federal and local grants.
(Private donations total LESS than 3% of their annual budget. EVEN THEN, most was stolen before it could be used for the children.)
Brown’s yearly salary was $68,500.
(Plus whatever she could steal)
Brown resigned Feb. 28 following a decision by the CAC’s executive board to place her on paid administrative leave.
(First, she collected her paycheck for another 7 weeks.)
Emails obtained by the Standard-Times indicate the questions arose when a CAC employee noticed discrepancies in the center’s financial records.
(Questions arose after Shirley and the rest of them saw their pictures on my sites along with my questioning who was footing the bill for their junkets to the twin towns).
Brown had been employed by the CAC since 1994, said board President Monty Stanley.
(Who, to this day, refuses to condemn the wife of Judge Brown.)
Her husband is Tom Green County Judge Mike Brown.
(Who determines the salaries of every County Employee including judges. He is NOT the kind of dude you want to piss off, since he has a larger reputation for being a prick than his wife has.)
Stanley is the human resources director for the Standard-Times.
(And sat on the information that debbie was stealing public funds ever since "Out of fairness" to the judges wife.)
In an interview with Dawson summarized in the executive summary, Hope House Program Director Melody Jeter told him she never suspected wrongdoing on Brown’s part before questions began to be raised.
“Specifically, Ms. Jeter was told to sign blank checks by Ms. Brown, for the purpose of emergency disbursement needs such as when the Center would hold a volunteer lunch and the caterer would need to be paid upon delivery,” Dawson wrote. Jeter testified she did this “quite often” and didn’t understand the implications those actions could have.
(The janitor would have known, why not a Program Director?)
The auditor said that three employees told him in interviews they had seen Brown go into files after she had been questioned by the executive board and “had been pulling check copies and placing them in the trash.”
(The technical terms that they avoid at all costs is "Obstructing Justice", "Tampering with Public Records", and "Grand Theft". (Destroying a public record is considered Grand Theft, since the value of the document by State Statute exceeds $1,000.00) You can add "Burglary" to the charges, since she would have known (Intent), that she did NOT have permission or authority to destroy the Records)
Former program director Heather Ward, who was named interim executive director after Brown was put on leave, testified that many reimbursement items were for stamps from the Shipping Point. She said the center uses a postage meter and does not use stamps.
(And of course Heather never knew that 6 of her fellow employee's were on junkets on the agencies dime?)
An Expedia document giving a flight and hotel summary for a booked trip to San Diego from Jan. 23, 2010, to Jan. 29, 2010, listed five women, including Brown. Belinda Braly, Deidre McCoy, Yvonne Garcia and Heather Ward testified that they didn’t go on the trip. In the audit was a copy of the reimbursement check paid to Brown for $5,895.
(And no mention of 2 trips to Las Vegas and Utah?)
In October 2010, according to the executive summary for the audit, CAC staff were told the agency couldn’t make payroll because it didn’t have enough money. During that month, the audit executive summary said, Brown instructed a staff member to make up an $8,000 reimbursement check for her.
It was at that point that the staff member took her concerns about Brown’s reimbursements to the CAC board, the summary said.
(So with debbie tossing documents like confetti from the files, Monty and the Board sat there on their thumbs for another 3 months (Oct - Jan) until they finally asked debbie to take a paid vacation)
CAC delivered copies of the audit to funders — agencies that award the center grants — earlier this week.
(Two months after they knew debbie was doing creative book keeping, and weeks after those same local agencies awarded them this years budget amounts.)
The Standard-Times received a copy of the audit and executive summary Thursday, a day after filing a Freedom of Information Act request for the documents.
(Which were previously DENIED to the paper because HEATHER claimed the funds involved came from PRIVATE donors and NOT PUBLIC FUNDS. (Legal bullshit for her to claim in the 1st place. ALL monies donated to a 501 (c) (3) become PUBLIC funds as regards the I.R.S.)
Ward said that throughout the investigation, the center’s focus has remained on services for children, both preventive and intervention for abused children. No child was denied service because of potential financial loss.
(Smoke and mirrors: First of all, how would Heather have known if services were denied or not if she didn't know money was being stolen? According to the record, There wasn't even enough money to pay staff in October, 2010. Heather is telling us that children were not DENIED SERVICES, but she doesn't claim children were not OFFERED the services either. Something not offered CANNOT be something DENIED, now can it? (Cute, huh?).
Last year the center provided service to approximately 1,345 children, parents and guardians over 13 counties.
(Just what "Service" did they provide? Food?, Clothing?, Shelter?, Transportation?, Medical Treatment?, Education?, Recreational?, Psychological Services? We KNOW they didn't even get a Christmas present, so what EXACTLY did the children, parents and "Guardians" receive directly from CASA? (Besides requests for SANE exams on little boys).
“Our caseloads are full; our children continue to be served,” Ward said.
One change that has been made was that the executive director no longer opens the bank statement for the center, Ward said.
(Welcome to the REAL world of sound accounting practices).
Another new procedure is that checks must be signed by the executive director and a board member, namely the treasurer.
Ward said she and four board members are the only ones authorized to sign checks. In the past that action wasn’t always taken.
(Brilliant observation Heather.)
“This is not the case anymore,” Ward said. “All staff are aware of that and it’s strictly enforced.”
She said program directors, who were never invited before, are now asked to attend board meetings.
“We’re trying to be as transparent as possible,” Ward said.
(Which explains why she waited over two months before she released the report from the auditors.)
- May 19, 2011
- 4:12 p.m.
Kenservative writes:
I must take this opportunity to apologize and rescind a statement I made in another thread on this subject. Clearly this is much more serious than I understood and IBTenacious's comment demanding this be rectified is not a joke.
My apologies IBT, I spoke out of turn.
My apologies IBT, I spoke out of turn.
- May 19, 2011
- 4:15 p.m.
ASU55 writes:
in response to Oink:So what will be done about this ????
Me thinks nothing.
To pessimistic Oink. County Judges don't have near enough pull to hide something like this or sweep it under the rug(assuming he would even want to, I don't know him personally or know what he was aware of). The FBI is aware of this now, his position couldnt mean less to them. At least serious probation with a requirment to pay back every penny. But now that the facts are out, its worse then I thought, she is likely going to jail.
- May 19, 2011
- 4:18 p.m.
charlesa#241495 writes:
The only Justice that touches the affluent in San Angelo is Federal. There is no Justice within the confines of Tom Green County except for "Los Peones." IRS as well?
- May 19, 2011
- 4:41 p.m.
eriaron writes:
Wow what a thieving pig.
- May 19, 2011
- 5 p.m.
charlesa#241495 writes:
The next question is: "How many are going to jail?" Street talk has it that three prominent locals are involved. We will see who went with the Executive Director, helped spend the money, and how it was spent. Remember the old con phrase from education, "It's for the Children." Hopefully, this only the beginning. Gentlemen, rev your Vacuums!
- May 19, 2011
- 5:06 p.m.
Sputnik writes:
It is ironic that the last time a quasi-governmental org was involved in a scandal, it was the C.A.C. (Community Action Council), which administered Head Start, among other things. Maybe the S-T can do a "Where are they now?" story about that crew.
- May 19, 2011
- 5:56 p.m.
txn writes:
Well.. I followed the advice of a few others and waited this thing out before making any real decisions about the case....
From the looks of it I would have undershot the severity of it anyhow...
Somebody is in deep poo...
From the looks of it I would have undershot the severity of it anyhow...
Somebody is in deep poo...
- May 19, 2011
- 6:18 p.m.
RoddyShanafelt writes:
If alerted,the IRS will probably want to collect taxes on the amount that is not reimbursed, plus fines and interest, since the IRS will consider it income.--This creates a nice spot for a ten percent whistle blower.
- May 19, 2011
- 6:48 p.
Geisha_Girl writes:
in response to charlesa#241495:The next question is: "How many are going to jail?" Street talk has it that three prominenocals are involved. We will see who went with the Executive Director, helped spend the money, and how it was spent. Remember the old con phrase from education, "It's for the Children." Hopefully, this only the beginning. Gentlemen, rev your Vacuums!
One of those "prominent locals" is a judge that is friends with both Debra and Mike....If Mike did not know about this, then why are we having him keep up with the County Judge business...things that make you go hum???
- May 19, 2011
- 7:08 p.m.
The_Mrs writes:
Isn't there another person who has to sign off on these reimbursement expenses? Albeit my accounting days were years ago, but even if she was director, simple checks and balances say that there should be somebody else okaying it. If so, did they not question any of this?
- May 19, 2011
- 7:11 p.m.
SeniorChief writes:
Very disappointing. . .
- May 19, 2011
- 7:24 p.m.
anabel76903 writes:
How ethical is it for one to sit on one side of the bench and the partner sits on the other side ? ? ?
- May 19, 2011
- 8:31 p.m.
charlesa#241495 writes:
in response to Geisha_Girl:One of those "prominent locals" is a judge that is friends with both Debra and Mike....If Mike did not know about this, then why are we having him keep up with the County Judge business...things that make you go hum???
You need to be very careful with what you say on this blog site because some of our elected officials are “protected” by the local media. There is a local judge, however, that was the team mascot when we had a professional hockey team here in San Angelo. This same judge suffered a broken arm while dancing for the hockey team after falling off a table top at Graham Central Station. This same Judge often transferred his/her children’s cases to his/her court. This same judge often teaches high school students how to beat DUI or drug charges on Government Day. Could this be the Judge you are talking about?
- May 19, 2011
- 8:56 p.m.
Geisha_Girl writes:
in response to charlesa#241495:You need to be very careful with what you say on this blog site because some of our elected officials are “protected” by the local media. There is a local judge, however, that was the team mascot when we had a professional hockey team here in San Angelo. This same judge suffered a broken arm while dancing for the hockey team after falling off a table top at Graham Central Station. This same Judge often transferred his/her children’s cases to his/her court. This same judge often teaches high school students how to beat DUI or drug charges on Government Day. Could this be the Judge you are talking about?
Well, I am going to take your caution. This is the first I have heard of our local media protecting crooked judges, therefore, I will refrain from saying which judge it is. However, the judge you are referring too sounds like she would love a free trip or two.
- May 19, 2011
- 8:56 p.m.
lluvia writes:
Since this is an opinion page: This woman's husband is a judge. I know that if I came home with new things, was taking expensive trips, spent money like a wild monkey, my husband would question what was going on. After all we are partners in this insitute called marriage and my husband knows how much money I make and certainly how much money he makes.......so.....how can a husband not know what is going on when the family is $66,000 over budget?
This official needs to get off the bench at least until this mess is cleaned up or maybe forever. What does the County Commissioner's Court have to say about this?????????
This official needs to get off the bench at least until this mess is cleaned up or maybe forever. What does the County Commissioner's Court have to say about this?????????
- May 19, 2011
- 9:14 p.m.
RoddyShanafelt writes:
make your comments quickly. I have noticed stories like this one don't stay on this web site long, someone with authority deletes them.
- May 19, 2011
- 9:21 p.m.
LargeWilliam writes:
I'm curious as to over how much time the audit covered. Was it for the last fiscal year? Was it over a five-year period? If that was just for the last fiscal year, maybe they need to go back to years prior. If it was 66K in a single year, holy cow!
I agree, if my spouse brought 66K through the door, regardless of the form it was in, I'm fairly certain that I'd be noticing that.
I agree, if my spouse brought 66K through the door, regardless of the form it was in, I'm fairly certain that I'd be noticing that.
- May 19, 2011
- 9:24 p.m.
- Suggest removal
- Reply to this post
Zepper writes:
in response to SeniorChief:Very disappointing. . .
It is NOT just "disappointing", are you kidding me? You should be OUTRAGED at a woman stealing from children, from the Feds...OUTRAGED.
Save your "disappointment" for those who drink too much at a charity function or who wear an inappropriate outfit. PEOPLE WHO ARE lying and THIEVING deserve your ire, not your "disappointment".
And if she has nothing to show for this, in fact the reason her husband may not have realized the household budget had a 66,000 windfall...may be that the money went for something um, intangible. Or...not tangible for very long. No one is saying the husband knew....but not to worry. :) The Feds will figure it out.
Save your "disappointment" for those who drink too much at a charity function or who wear an inappropriate outfit. PEOPLE WHO ARE lying and THIEVING deserve your ire, not your "disappointment".
And if she has nothing to show for this, in fact the reason her husband may not have realized the household budget had a 66,000 windfall...may be that the money went for something um, intangible. Or...not tangible for very long. No one is saying the husband knew....but not to worry. :) The Feds will figure it out.
- May 19, 2011
- 9:24 p.m.
- Suggest removal
- Reply to this post
Einar writes:
Small time theft compared to what our elected representatives in Washington have been doing for 50 years. Those representatives should face the same scrutiny and criminal prosecution. They has stolen the money for social security, Medicair, etc. many times over.
- May 19, 2011
- 9:26 p.m.
- Suggest removal
- Reply to this post
Mr_Happy writes:
in response to charlesa#241495:You need to be very careful with what you say on this blog site because some of our elected officials are “protected” by the local media. There is a local judge, however, that was the team mascot when we had a professional hockey team here in San Angelo. This same judge suffered a broken arm while dancing for the hockey team after falling off a table top at Graham Central Station. This same Judge often transferred his/her children’s cases to his/her court. This same judge often teaches high school students how to beat DUI or drug charges on Government Day. Could this be the Judge you are talking about?
Hum . . . .
As I recall, only one person ever had the guts to run against this judge. The local media protected that sitting judge then. I see no reason why the local media wouldn’t continue to protect that sitting judge now. That judge's only opponent, as I heard it, was forced to quit practicing law after the election because the sitting judge saw to it the opponent always lost in that judge’s court.
Makes you wonder what this judge has on the local media personnel doesn’t it. Disgraceful.
Maybe after all these many, many years the truth will finally come out (too late for some careers though).
As I recall, only one person ever had the guts to run against this judge. The local media protected that sitting judge then. I see no reason why the local media wouldn’t continue to protect that sitting judge now. That judge's only opponent, as I heard it, was forced to quit practicing law after the election because the sitting judge saw to it the opponent always lost in that judge’s court.
Makes you wonder what this judge has on the local media personnel doesn’t it. Disgraceful.
Maybe after all these many, many years the truth will finally come out (too late for some careers though).
- May 19, 2011
- 9:46 p.m.
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charlesa#241495 writes:
The audit is most likely for the year in which the irregularity was discovered. The feds seldom go much further back unless they are looking a t a crime family and need plenty of ammunition. The IRS generally does the same when looking at evasion cases. We need to pray that the net has been cast in a manner that will result in a number of indictments. San Angelo and Tom Green County needs a thorough cleansing and has been a "good old boy (or girl)" environment since the town was named "Across the River".
- May 19, 2011
- 9:56 p.m.
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The_Mrs writes:
in response to charlesa#241495:You need to be very careful with what you say on this blog site because some of our elected officials are “protected” by the local media. There is a local judge, however, that was the team mascot when we had a professional hockey team here in San Angelo. This same judge suffered a broken arm while dancing for the hockey team after falling off a table top at Graham Central Station. This same Judge often transferred his/her children’s cases to his/her court. This same judge often teaches high school students how to beat DUI or drug charges on Government Day. Could this be the Judge you are talking about?
Lol, after reading that I was thinking of a totally different judge (maybe not the whole dancing on the table thing), but definitely about his children's cases. However his names starts with a G.
And oh yes, this comment section is going to be shut down in no time.
And oh yes, this comment section is going to be shut down in no time.
- May 19, 2011
- 10:07 p.m.
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michael.chase.jones#226014 writes:
Kinda nice how a judge, who oversees fraud cases all the time, doesn't know about a 66K "bonus". As someone from San Angelo, I'm embarrassed. The Brown's need to be punished. However, remembering the Head Start scandal, nothing will ever happen.
- May 20, 2011
- 12:03 a.m.
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combigy writes:
in response to LargeWilliam:I'm curious as to over how much time the audit covered. Was it for the last fiscal year? Was it over a five-year period? If that was just for the last fiscal year, maybe they need to go back to years prior. If it was 66K in a single year, holy cow!
I agree, if my spouse brought 66K through the door, regardless of the form it was in, I'm fairly certain that I'd be noticing that.
The second paragraph says it was approximately 2 years..
So you have wonder what they would find if they went back to 1994.....
So you have wonder what they would find if they went back to 1994.....
- May 20, 2011
- 12:04 a.m.
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Rick_Smith writes:
in response to RoddyShanafelt:make your comments quickly. I have noticed stories like this one don't stay on this web site long, someone with authority deletes them.
Roddy, Older stories aren't deleted, but they are replaced in the "top stories" boxes by newer stories.
The older stories, however, remain in the site's archives. You can find them by typing a keyword into the Yahoo search box in the upper right-hand corner of the homepage.
For instance, type in CAC and hit the "go" button and you'll bring up about a dozen related CAC stories and their attached comments.
If you run into problems with a search, I'll be glad to help. You can e-mail me at rsmith@gosanangelo.com or call 659-8248. Best, Rick.
The older stories, however, remain in the site's archives. You can find them by typing a keyword into the Yahoo search box in the upper right-hand corner of the homepage.
For instance, type in CAC and hit the "go" button and you'll bring up about a dozen related CAC stories and their attached comments.
If you run into problems with a search, I'll be glad to help. You can e-mail me at rsmith@gosanangelo.com or call 659-8248. Best, Rick.
- May 20, 2011
- 1:14 a.m.
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Zepper writes:
Wow, more details, huh? I have personally donated to these agencies, and instead of "secret Santa" where I work, we have collected/donated to Hope House. So, Debra, you've taken OUR money as well. You are DISGUSTING. I used to see you at the hair salon. Can't wait to run into ya again...unlike others afraid to be confrontational, I will call a spade a spade, and I will call a thief a thief. IN PUBLIC. (ahem. "allegedly") ha.
- May 20, 2011
- 3:44 a.m.
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LargeWilliam writes:
This story has been updated significantly. The original was much shorter and not nearly as detailed. But I once again would ask that if it was 66K over a two-year period, what would it be over her entire term as director?
This just smells bad!
This story has been updated significantly. The original was much shorter and not nearly as detailed. But I once again would ask that if it was 66K over a two-year period, what would it be over her entire term as director?
This just smells bad!
- May 20, 2011
- 5:56 a.m.
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FatMan writes:
- May 20, 2011
- 6:35 a.m.
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happyinsa writes:
in response to charlesa#241495:The only Justice that touches the affluent in San Angelo is Federal. There is no Justice within the confines of Tom Green County except for "Los Peones." IRS as well?
Don't be delusional Charles. It's now clear (finally) that the crime was embezzlement; an employee stealing funds from an employer. And it's a serious matter. I have known of many similar incidents in many settings in the past. Some of those bankrupted the companies and some have managed to recover from the losses. But just because she is a judge's wife does not mean she will get away with it. Few have gone to jail over such crimes. She could get probation, with a chance to repay the stolen money. It will take years for CAC to recover. She could also go to jail but it seems unlikely. Most embezzlers don't.
- May 20, 2011
- 7:32 a.m.
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The_Mrs writes:
Yes, this story is being updated a lot, and if the allegations are true, it is so much worse than I could have imagined! Horrible!
Like happy said, that's downright embezzlement - from a children's agency! *insert forbidden 3-letter acronym*
Like happy said, that's downright embezzlement - from a children's agency! *insert forbidden 3-letter acronym*
- May 20, 2011
- 7:39 a.m.
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morningglory writes:
San Angelo's Watergate? Seriously. This goes back so far and is so deep, but will never come to light because of the insulation provided by and for the elite and other professionals (attorneys, doctors, law enforcement) that have always circled the wagons around CAC. So many people who know things are being silent and just watching to see how it all turns out. In the long run, probably even the FBI will be scared away from it. (I'll let you guys know if I'm harassed over this post.)
- May 20, 2011
- 7:42 a.m.
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Devils_Advocate writes:
This story has revealed very disturbing news. If all is true I cannot understand why a respectiable member of our community would do this. Shame, shame, shame.
- May 20, 2011
- 7:50 a.m.
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rrequ10145#216800 writes:
$66,000 after all those years? Our State government looses more then that in an hour. Large businesses and Organizations make accounting errors all the time, ex; paid to much tax, or double paid invoices, or under-counted in a ledger. Starting to sound more like a witch hunt.
- May 20, 2011
- 8:13 a.m.
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michael.chase.jones#226014 writes:
in response to rrequ10145#216800:$66,000 after all those years? Our State government looses more then that in an hour. Large businesses and Organizations make accounting errors all the time, ex; paid to much tax, or double paid invoices, or under-counted in a ledger. Starting to sound more like a witch hunt.
There is a huge difference in a simple accounting error and paying reimbursement invoices for trips to San Diego that never happened. She got caught STEALING from children. To her it was "like taking candy from a baby".
- May 20, 2011
- 8:14 a.m.
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in response to Rick_Smith:Roddy, Older stories aren't deleted, but they are replaced in the "top stories" boxes by newer stories.
The older stories, however, remain in the site's archives. You can find them by typing a keyword into the Yahoo search box in the upper right-hand corner of the homepage.
For instance, type in CAC and hit the "go" button and you'll bring up about a dozen related CAC stories and their attached comments.
If you run into problems with a search, I'll be glad to help. You can e-mail me at rsmith@gosanangelo.com or call 659-8248. Best, Rick.
beg to differ sir-have seen several times a story broke and comments were disallowed after about 30 min. or so.that is what they meant,sast will take this down after atime,so go talk about a lost cat.
- May 20, 2011
- 8:14 a.m.
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mags writes:
Karma baby! That's all I have to say Mike Brown. Imo you don't deserve "judge" in front of your name. Some may disagree, but whatever.....
- May 20, 2011
- 8:15 a.m.
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csegura writes:
I'll be surprised if anything is actually done to this woman and her partners.
- May 20, 2011
- 8:17 a.m.
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makes over 5000$ a month and has to steal,what a life
- May 20, 2011
- 8:24 a.m.
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txkboy writes:
Sort out the bad from the good and prosecute them to the extent of the law.
- May 20, 2011
- 8:27 a.m.
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LargeWilliam writes:
66K plus the 15K for the unplanned audit amounts to about 4% of their budget over a two-year span.
Honestly, this sure smells like more than an accounting error. But that is the great thing about our system; she'll perhaps have a chance to explain the trips, clothes, furniture, gift cards and all the other "accounting errors" to a jury of her peers.
I was the director of a non-profit for eight years and know full well how important the public's trust is and how important it is that one not lose that trust. When you live and die financially by people's donations you do everything within your power to make sure those donations are used exactly as the donor expects them to be used.
I will also add, I had a brief stint where money was very tight and the only way I could make payroll was to not pay myself. I was lucky to be in a situation where I did not live pay day to pay day so it did not put a burden on myself or my family. But most of my employees were not in that situation and I made certain that they did not feel the pinch. To do less, in my mind, was not an option.
Honestly, this sure smells like more than an accounting error. But that is the great thing about our system; she'll perhaps have a chance to explain the trips, clothes, furniture, gift cards and all the other "accounting errors" to a jury of her peers.
I was the director of a non-profit for eight years and know full well how important the public's trust is and how important it is that one not lose that trust. When you live and die financially by people's donations you do everything within your power to make sure those donations are used exactly as the donor expects them to be used.
I will also add, I had a brief stint where money was very tight and the only way I could make payroll was to not pay myself. I was lucky to be in a situation where I did not live pay day to pay day so it did not put a burden on myself or my family. But most of my employees were not in that situation and I made certain that they did not feel the pinch. To do less, in my mind, was not an option.
- May 20, 2011
- 8:33 a.m.
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san_angelo_ex_pat writes:
in response to LargeWilliam:66K plus the 15K for the unplanned audit amounts to about 4% of their budget over a two-year span.
Honestly, this sure smells like more than an accounting error. But that is the great thing about our system; she'll perhaps have a chance to explain the trips, clothes, furniture, gift cards and all the other "accounting errors" to a jury of her peers.
I was the director of a non-profit for eight years and know full well how important the public's trust is and how important it is that one not lose that trust. When you live and die financially by people's donations you do everything within your power to make sure those donations are used exactly as the donor expects them to be used.
I will also add, I had a brief stint where money was very tight and the only way I could make payroll was to not pay myself. I was lucky to be in a situation where I did not live pay day to pay day so it did not put a burden on myself or my family. But most of my employees were not in that situation and I made certain that they did not feel the pinch. To do less, in my mind, was not an option.
Regarding the entire post, indeed.
Regarding "To do less, in my mind, was not an option.", kudos.
Regarding "To do less, in my mind, was not an option.", kudos.
- May 20, 2011
- 9:12 a.m.
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HYSABELA writes:
(This comment was removed by the site staff.)
- May 20, 2011
- 10:08 a.m.
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RoxyDogFTW writes:
When will they remove this story? Its only a matter of time.
Everyone knows that the justice system in San Angelo is crooked and is all about making money for the right people.
I want to see these people get jail time but i doubt we'll see anything else regarding this story unless enough people keep talking about it and demanding information...
Everyone knows that the justice system in San Angelo is crooked and is all about making money for the right people.
I want to see these people get jail time but i doubt we'll see anything else regarding this story unless enough people keep talking about it and demanding information...
- May 20, 2011
- 10:10 a.m.
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TexasTornado75 writes:
in response to okeydokey:Well, the Feds have it now, so they may not back off so easily...
LMAO... hahaha!!! thats a good one, thats what the feds do around here... hahaha, thats how it always works the feds come in and charge them LMAO-hahaha!!! I'd gladly take wagers on that one so they could get me for being a bookie...
- May 20, 2011
- 10:11 a.m.
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fishslayer writes:
She bought a book or CD at Hastings.
The title:
"Church of Lies"
The title:
"Church of Lies"
- May 20, 2011
- 10:16 a.m.
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RoxyDogFTW writes:
in response to JERICHO_JOE:beg to differ sir-have seen several times a story broke and comments were disallowed after about 30 min. or so.that is what they meant,sast will take this down after atime,so go talk about a lost cat.
On the original story about the boy who got shot by the cops (when running,with a gun in his hand), the comments section was removed pretty quickly.
I think they disabled it after someone said he was "shot in the back"...
That little tidbit was missing from the story, so it makes me wonder, did SAPD tell/ask SAST to remove the comment feature on that story? and if so, did they do it because the public might find out accurate details that SAPD doesn't want released? Or was it because SAPD doesn't want false information being spread around...
It could go either way considering it is such a sensitive issue...
I think they disabled it after someone said he was "shot in the back"...
That little tidbit was missing from the story, so it makes me wonder, did SAPD tell/ask SAST to remove the comment feature on that story? and if so, did they do it because the public might find out accurate details that SAPD doesn't want released? Or was it because SAPD doesn't want false information being spread around...
It could go either way considering it is such a sensitive issue...
- May 20, 2011
- 10:20 a.m.
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Red_Lipstick writes:
As I was reading my sopping wet (thanks God that I can complain about a wet newspaper) newspaper this morning at the breakfast table...I am getting angrier and angrier!! I am sitting there wondering why the auditors did not go back further then 2 years. How come the transparency had not been in place from the very beginning. Where were the check and balances...does anyone check?? How come the employees who had questions in their minds because of what they were seeing did not speak up immediately. Did Judge Brown have his head buried in the sand also? Or was he just looking the other way? Has the County Commissioner's Court decided they need to check their own store?
Something very, very wrong going on in our city and county. Shame on Mrs. Brown and shame on the ones who did not report their suspicions sooner.
Something very, very wrong going on in our city and county. Shame on Mrs. Brown and shame on the ones who did not report their suspicions sooner.
- May 20, 2011
- 10:28 a.m.
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JARUD writes:
Almost $70,000 a year and she has to embezzle money? No wonder non-profits fight so hard to stay in business. She should be ordered to repay the money plus the $l5,000 for the audit (way too high by the way and another form of robbery) and Judge Brown should resign his position. Community service for her cleaning toilets at all non-profit organizations for a year.
xasTornado75 writes:
AHH-YES!!! Like I said A few months back... The poli-ticks are making the Dogs Itch,lol... Got to love it... Ok Officer Baker we know your gonna do your job... Any common member of this community would be charged, have to post bond and tell it to the Judge- uh dont think we better give her the tell it to the judge option... but none the less, like you said its not personal, you are right, It's not personal it's political... So you jump right on getting those warrents and go pick her up... And you might want to have your vision checked because you are having problems Identifying common members of this community and those who have a few connections themselves... sometimes you never know who your effects will fall on, this could be a good political move for you, I'm sure you will make many more friends like you been doing lately...
- May 20, 2011
- 11:13 a.m.
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Milton writes:
in response to Geisha_Girl:Well, I am going to take your caution. This is the first I have heard of our local media protecting crooked judges, therefore, I will refrain from saying which judge it is. However, the judge you are referring too sounds like she would love a free trip or two.
Oh yeah, be careful indeed. The local media sweeps alot of stuff under the rug when it comes to local officials/politicians. Further, the SAST will cancel a blog stream if it gets a little close to either local politicians or high profile businessmen. The FLDS affiliation with high profile politicians and businessmen is the perfect example. The SAST will cut the stream off pretty quick if those affiliations are mentioned.
- May 20, 2011
- 11:14 a.m.
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countywatchdog writes:
Keith Davis is legal councel for Tom Green County, he represents the County on all legal issues
- May 20, 2011
- 11:20 a.m.
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okeydokey writes:
Judge Brown is the county judge. He doesn't preside over criminal cases. He's not a lawyer. He handles probate and county commissioners court.
This information is not to defend or excuse or deny or even hint at anything to do with Debra Brown's situation. It's just information as to the extent of Judge Brown's cases.
And I just don't see Judge Brown dancing on a table at a bar or anywhere else for that matter, so the Dancin' Judge must be another judge. LOL...
This information is not to defend or excuse or deny or even hint at anything to do with Debra Brown's situation. It's just information as to the extent of Judge Brown's cases.
And I just don't see Judge Brown dancing on a table at a bar or anywhere else for that matter, so the Dancin' Judge must be another judge. LOL...
- May 20, 2011
- 11:24 a.m.
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Rick_Smith writes:
in response to JERICHO_JOE:beg to differ sir-have seen several times a story broke and comments were disallowed after about 30 min. or so.that is what they meant,sast will take this down after atime,so go talk about a lost cat.
Joe, go back and re-read Roddy's comment: "make your comments quickly. I have noticed stories like this one don't stay on this web site long, someone with authority deletes them."
We're talking about stories, not comments. If you have other questions about this you can always call me at 659-8248 or e-mail rsmith@gosanangelo.com.
And yes, if you lose a much-loved pet I will do whatever I can to help you find it.
Best, Rick
We're talking about stories, not comments. If you have other questions about this you can always call me at 659-8248 or e-mail rsmith@gosanangelo.com.
And yes, if you lose a much-loved pet I will do whatever I can to help you find it.
Best, Rick
- May 20, 2011
- 11:28 a.m.
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Geisha_Girl writes:
in response to Milton:Oh yeah, be careful indeed. The local media sweeps alot of stuff under the rug when it comes to local officials/politicians. Further, the SAST will cancel a blog stream if it gets a little close to either local politicians or high profile businessmen. The FLDS affiliation with high profile politicians and businessmen is the perfect example. The SAST will cut the stream off pretty quick if those affiliations are mentioned.
Yes, Milton, I know about the media here in San Angelo. I was being facetious when I wrote that. The Standard Times backed both Judge Brown and the ofther judge that we are all talking about. Mr. Happy is correct in saying "As I recall, only one person ever had the guts to run against this judge. The local media protected that sitting judge then. I see no reason why the local media wouldn’t continue to protect that sitting judge now."
My next question is....Did Judge Brown go on any of these trips with his wife? I am not saying he did, but if he did, then he does need to step down.
My next question is....Did Judge Brown go on any of these trips with his wife? I am not saying he did, but if he did, then he does need to step down.
- May 20, 2011
- 11:32 a.m.
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mon461#246232 writes:
Shame on Ms. Brown! What she did was despicable, and whether or not judge hubby knew, he should step down. Disgusting!
- May 20, 2011
- 11:34 a.m.
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hjw8307 writes:
In defense of the newspaper, generally comments are removed only when the commenters start putting rude classless callous remarks regarding someone's death or someone's family. Some commenters on here seem to be heartless in regards to this.
Notice that many of you have been saying since last night that this article and its comments would be removed quickly...still hasn't happened.
Notice that many of you have been saying since last night that this article and its comments would be removed quickly...still hasn't happened.
- May 20, 2011
- 11:40 a.m.
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WaInTWor writes:
I really hate this has come about for such a wonderful organization that serves our community more than most people know. I really wish the facts were all out there as it seems Mrs. Brown has been convicted by the posting public from the few facts that have been reported. What happen to innocent until proven guilty? I pray the organization will not suffer from the negative press about Mrs. Brown.
- May 20, 2011
- 11:57 a.m.
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Boobear writes:
I saw photos of the junkets that Debra Brown took (with her girl friends) to Las Vegas and to Hilldale/Colorado City on Bill Medvecky's blog. According to Mr. Medvecky, there were no open FLDS cases when Debra and her friends took those trips. Will the CAC have to pay for the junkets? Will CASA have to pay for them? Or are those expenses included in the audit's $66,000?
- May 20, 2011
- 12:01 p.m.
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TexasTornado75 writes:
anyone with a position of authority should be held to a higher accountability than a common citizen, give her a year for each dollar she took... lol hold up, she is kinda cute, never mind...
- May 20, 2011
- 12:03 p.m.
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The_Mrs writes:
in response to hjw8307:In defense of the newspaper, generally comments are removed only when the commenters start putting rude classless callous remarks regarding someone's death or someone's family. Some commenters on here seem to be heartless in regards to this.
Notice that many of you have been saying since last night that this article and its comments would be removed quickly...still hasn't happened.
I agree when there is a death the comments can get out of hand and that's inappropriate. But for example just the other day the article "10 arrested on drug charges at 3 homes; gang ties alleged" had its comments deleted before I even read them. Why?
- May 20, 2011
- 12:03 p.m.
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IBTenacious writes:
in response to Kenservative:I must take this opportunity to apologize and rescind a statement I made in another thread on this subject. Clearly this is much more serious than I understood and IBTenacious's comment demanding this be rectified is not a joke.
My apologies IBT, I spoke out of turn.
Apology accepted!
You are an upstanding individual for expressing that.
While I WAS sarcastic in my original commentary, I see that something got their attention.
You are an upstanding individual for expressing that.
While I WAS sarcastic in my original commentary, I see that something got their attention.
- May 20, 2011
- 12:05 p.m.
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IBTenacious writes:
in response to okeydokey:Well, the Feds have it now, so they may not back off so easily...
Okey-Dokey, okeydokey. I don't see where the article mentions the FEDS being involved.
Do you know something that we don't?
Do you know something that we don't?
- May 20, 2011
- 12:06 p.m.
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Squawk_7500 writes:
in response to IBTenacious:Okey-Dokey, okeydokey. I don't see where the article mentions the FEDS being involved.
Do you know something that we don't?
Some other article said they had handed their findings over to Hoover's G-Men.
- May 20, 2011
- 12:13 p.m.
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IBTenacious writes:
in response to combigy:The second paragraph says it was approximately 2 years..
So you have wonder what they would find if they went back to 1994.....
Unfortunately, between the Statute of Limitations and the LONG time it takes to have a "speedy trial", anything that may have happened more than 2 years ago is virtually impossible to prosecute before the clock runs out.
- May 20, 2011
- 12:17 p.m.
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countywatchdog writes:
The dancing judge is "II" is all I will say about it
- May 20, 2011
- 12:26 p.m.
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Milton writes:
in response to IBTenacious:Okey-Dokey, okeydokey. I don't see where the article mentions the FEDS being involved.
Do you know something that we don't?
Here ya go...from Wednesday's paper:
In a release sent to media Feb. 4, Stanley said he was “not at liberty to discuss the particulars out of fairness to Debra and the center.” An internal audit began as a result of Brown’s leave, the findings of which were turned over to FBI. The center receives state and federal grants, as well as local donations.
Dallas FBI spokesman Mark White said the agency cannot confirm or deny an active investigation. He said a federal indictment is usually the point in an investigation when information becomes public.
In a release sent to media Feb. 4, Stanley said he was “not at liberty to discuss the particulars out of fairness to Debra and the center.” An internal audit began as a result of Brown’s leave, the findings of which were turned over to FBI. The center receives state and federal grants, as well as local donations.
Dallas FBI spokesman Mark White said the agency cannot confirm or deny an active investigation. He said a federal indictment is usually the point in an investigation when information becomes public.
- May 20, 2011
- 12:27 p.m.
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IBTenacious writes:
in response to Squawk_7500:Some other article said they had handed their findings over to Hoover's G-Men.
Thanks for that clarification.
- May 20, 2011
- 1:24 p.m.
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Austex54 writes:
in response to countywatchdog:The dancing judge is "II" is all I will say about it
Is that the same one that the SAPD has been known to escort home when any "regular citizen" in that shape would be slapped with a P.I. and taken to lock up?
- May 20, 2011
- 1:27 p.m.
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okeydokey writes:
in response to IBTenacious:Okey-Dokey, okeydokey. I don't see where the article mentions the FEDS being involved.
Do you know something that we don't?
No,I don't know something that you don't... Feds is just a term commonly used to cover, FBI and a lot of other three-letter agencies. All I know is what I read, that the FBI is investigating the case. FEDeral Bureau of Investigation.
- May 20, 2011
- 1:31 p.m.
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countywatchdog writes:
in response to Austex54:Is that the same one that the SAPD has been known to escort home when any "regular citizen" in that shape would be slapped with a P.I. and taken to lock up?
Thats her
- May 20, 2011
- 1:41 p.m.
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salemtrinity writes:
As sad and disgusting as this story is, I hope that everyone remembers that the CAC itself is still a wonderful organization whose mission is to be a voice for children; They can still use all the help, donations and positive support of the community that they can get. Please don't let one bad apple spoil your impression of the whole bunch, remember, it was the CAC that brought this matter to the attention of the authorities to begin with.
- May 20, 2011
- 1:53 p.m.
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countywatchdog writes:
in response to salemtrinity:As sad and disgusting as this story is, I hope that everyone remembers that the CAC itself is still a wonderful organization whose mission is to be a voice for children; They can still use all the help, donations and positive support of the community that they can get. Please don't let one bad apple spoil your impression of the whole bunch, remember, it was the CAC that brought this matter to the attention of the authorities to begin with.
Heather is doing a great job. She is keeping everthing open to the public she can. Of course there are few things that have to be kept confidential involving people they help
- May 20, 2011
- 2:33 p.m.
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sweetpea writes:
please be sure you read the documents attached to this story.
Executive summary
CAC audit,
Exhibit C
CAC Cover Letter
Executive summary
CAC audit,
Exhibit C
CAC Cover Letter
- May 20, 2011
- 2:48 p.m.
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WilliesFriend writes:
The CAC reported this story? I got news for you boys, I reported it both to the IRS AND to my blog readers LONG before the CAC said a word.
- May 20, 2011
- 3 p.m.
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ruger3006 writes:
in response to The_Mrs:Isn't there another person who has to sign off on these reimbursement expenses? Albeit my accounting days were years ago, but even if she was director, simple checks and balances say that there should be somebody else okaying it. If so, did they not question any of this?
It"s hard to believe, an organization like that, where the Director does not need anyone else to co-sign checks. This was the oldest trick in the book.
- May 20, 2011
- 3:07 p.m.
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ruger3006 writes:
in response to WaInTWor:I really hate this has come about for such a wonderful organization that serves our community more than most people know. I really wish the facts were all out there as it seems Mrs. Brown has been convicted by the posting public from the few facts that have been reported. What happen to innocent until proven guilty? I pray the organization will not suffer from the negative press about Mrs. Brown.
Those "few facts", by her co-workers seem pretty strong to me. Do you think they are untruthful ?
- May 20, 2011
- 3:44 p.m.
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CrispyDuck writes:
in response to WilliesFriend:The CAC reported this story? I got news for you boys, I reported it both to the IRS AND to my blog readers LONG before the CAC said a word.
Could we get a link to your blog? I'd love to read all about this.
- May 20, 2011
- 4:01 p.m.
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charlesa#241495 writes:
The CAC does need our prayers and financial support as well. The agencies assistance to innocent children is praised by our local police officers and so desperately needed in these frightening times. I am sure that the CAC has taken steps to prevent this kind of abuse from happening again. All of those that have robbed this organization and harmed these children should be convicted to serve lengthy prison sentences. Those that can not be convicted should be turned over to the IRS for evading taxes. The only earthly hope for San Angelo is to clean out all corruption by our public officials no matter how long it takes or who goes to jail. The most popular elected official could be the most corrupt and the brightest smile could be the most evil of all.
- May 20, 2011
- 4:40 p.m.
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kellygreen writes:
Talk about guilty until proven innocent. This article brings to mind the jump to conclusions mentality everyone had about a story in regards to a high school boy assaulting a girl this past year. No charges ever filed, but he is now ineligible to be valedictorian of his class. why don't we wait until all the facts are out. I think this story has not even begun.
- May 20, 2011
- 4:43 p.m.
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Geisha_Girl writes:
in response to kellygreen:Talk about guilty until proven innocent. This article brings to mind the jump to conclusions mentality everyone had about a story in regards to a high school boy assaulting a girl this past year. No charges ever filed, but he is now ineligible to be valedictorian of his class. why don't we wait until all the facts are out. I think this story has not even begun.
Some of the facts are above in the attached documents. You might want to read them.
- May 20, 2011
- 4:44 p.m.
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WilliesFriend writes:
in response to CrispyDuck:Could we get a link to your blog? I'd love to read all about this.
More than happy to respond. The last posting on the pillage was posted on 2/5/2011, and was the 5th post on the thefts (With pictures taken during BOTH junkets. http://fldsws.blogspot.com/2011/02/la...
In addition CASA in Washington State was notified PRIOR to the firing of debbie, and the I.R.S. in Ogdan, Utah was also notified in writing that their 501(c)(3), funds were being used as a personal piggy bank long before Ms. Ward began to circle the wagons. They KNEW the pictures I had were going out there, and they KNEW it was GOING to come out. It had NOTHING to do with doing the right thing.
I received the photos of debbie and her pals in October, 2009 from the twin towns. They have been out there for ANY media to report on ever since. Exactly how long would it have taken the local cops or Texas Rangers to find out who rented that Nevada car in the picture? Did not debbie HERSELF tell the paper that the "Investigation" for CASA was "OVER" a week before she and her pals took off from the airport?
This situation would have been buried ala Rozita Swinton by the Texas Rangers had not we posted the pictures and contacted CASA headquarters for them. Unlike Rozita, the cover up did not work.
My question is STILL: What did barbie know and how much of a kickback did it take for it to continue. Trust me, we'll find out. The I.R.S. HATES it when you steal their money.
Bill Medvecky
In addition CASA in Washington State was notified PRIOR to the firing of debbie, and the I.R.S. in Ogdan, Utah was also notified in writing that their 501(c)(3), funds were being used as a personal piggy bank long before Ms. Ward began to circle the wagons. They KNEW the pictures I had were going out there, and they KNEW it was GOING to come out. It had NOTHING to do with doing the right thing.
I received the photos of debbie and her pals in October, 2009 from the twin towns. They have been out there for ANY media to report on ever since. Exactly how long would it have taken the local cops or Texas Rangers to find out who rented that Nevada car in the picture? Did not debbie HERSELF tell the paper that the "Investigation" for CASA was "OVER" a week before she and her pals took off from the airport?
This situation would have been buried ala Rozita Swinton by the Texas Rangers had not we posted the pictures and contacted CASA headquarters for them. Unlike Rozita, the cover up did not work.
My question is STILL: What did barbie know and how much of a kickback did it take for it to continue. Trust me, we'll find out. The I.R.S. HATES it when you steal their money.
Bill Medvecky
- May 20, 2011
- 4:55 p.m.
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san_angelo_ex_pat writes:
in response to WilliesFriend:More than happy to respond. The last posting on the pillage was posted on 2/5/2011, and was the 5th post on the thefts (With pictures taken during BOTH junkets. http://fldsws.blogspot.com/2011/02/la...
In addition CASA in Washington State was notified PRIOR to the firing of debbie, and the I.R.S. in Ogdan, Utah was also notified in writing that their 501(c)(3), funds were being used as a personal piggy bank long before Ms. Ward began to circle the wagons. They KNEW the pictures I had were going out there, and they KNEW it was GOING to come out. It had NOTHING to do with doing the right thing.
I received the photos of debbie and her pals in October, 2009 from the twin towns. They have been out there for ANY media to report on ever since. Exactly how long would it have taken the local cops or Texas Rangers to find out who rented that Nevada car in the picture? Did not debbie HERSELF tell the paper that the "Investigation" for CASA was "OVER" a week before she and her pals took off from the airport?
This situation would have been buried ala Rozita Swinton by the Texas Rangers had not we posted the pictures and contacted CASA headquarters for them. Unlike Rozita, the cover up did not work.
My question is STILL: What did barbie know and how much of a kickback did it take for it to continue. Trust me, we'll find out. The I.R.S. HATES it when you steal their money.
Bill Medvecky
Amusing. Nothing more.
- May 20, 2011
- 5:53 p.m.
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Mr_Happy writes:
I noticed item #28 to "Wilton Brown, Inc." in the amount of $119.59.
"Wilton Brown" was Judge Mike Brown's father. And he's been deceased for many years!
"Wilton Brown" was Judge Mike Brown's father. And he's been deceased for many years!
- May 20, 2011
- 6:32 p.m.
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rrequ10145#216800 writes:
If we had given her husband the pay-raise he wanted, they wouldn't be in this mess. (just kidding)
- May 20, 2011
- 6:46 p.m.
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Milton writes:
in response to WilliesFriend:More than happy to respond. The last posting on the pillage was posted on 2/5/2011, and was the 5th post on the thefts (With pictures taken during BOTH junkets. http://fldsws.blogspot.com/2011/02/la...
In addition CASA in Washington State was notified PRIOR to the firing of debbie, and the I.R.S. in Ogdan, Utah was also notified in writing that their 501(c)(3), funds were being used as a personal piggy bank long before Ms. Ward began to circle the wagons. They KNEW the pictures I had were going out there, and they KNEW it was GOING to come out. It had NOTHING to do with doing the right thing.
I received the photos of debbie and her pals in October, 2009 from the twin towns. They have been out there for ANY media to report on ever since. Exactly how long would it have taken the local cops or Texas Rangers to find out who rented that Nevada car in the picture? Did not debbie HERSELF tell the paper that the "Investigation" for CASA was "OVER" a week before she and her pals took off from the airport?
This situation would have been buried ala Rozita Swinton by the Texas Rangers had not we posted the pictures and contacted CASA headquarters for them. Unlike Rozita, the cover up did not work.
My question is STILL: What did barbie know and how much of a kickback did it take for it to continue. Trust me, we'll find out. The I.R.S. HATES it when you steal their money.
Bill Medvecky
Considering the amount of profanity and hatred spewing from your link, I am a little surprised the SAST has not removed it. They should. Profanity is typically a tool used by the desperate or someone who lacks the substance to otherwise make a valid argument.
- May 20, 2011
- 6:51 p.m.
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anna writes:
I decided to watch the 6:00 pm KLST news broadcast to see what information they would report on this story. To my surprise, KLST news was off the air for about the first 10 minutes. I don't know if that was the case for everyone else in San Angelo. Seems they didn't want to "offend" frequent news guest Judge Brown. So they took the easy way out.
- May 20, 2011
- 6:54 p.m.
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hardy_har_har writes:
(This comment was removed by the site staff.)
- May 20, 2011
- 8:20 p.m.
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san_angelo_ex_pat writes:
in response to Milton:Considering the amount of profanity and hatred spewing from your link, I am a little surprised the SAST has not removed it. They should. Profanity is typically a tool used by the desperate or someone who lacks the substance to otherwise make a valid argument.
That link is proof positive that pure inanity can be found on the Internet.
It's also proof that any fool can produce a blog or Website.
It's also proof that any fool can produce a blog or Website.
- May 20, 2011
- 8:22 p.m.
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san_angelo_ex_pat writes:
in response to anna:I decided to watch the 6:00 pm KLST news broadcast to see what information they would report on this story. To my surprise, KLST news was off the air for about the first 10 minutes. I don't know if that was the case for everyone else in San Angelo. Seems they didn't want to "offend" frequent news guest Judge Brown. So they took the easy way out.
- May 20, 2011
- 8:46 p.m.
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WilliesFriend writes:
in response to san_angelo_ex_pat:Bunk.
So prove ONE fact written about debbie is false.
Is "Bunk" the best y'all can come up with? Don't you want to call the station and get an explanation? Do you swallow everything they feed you with no questions asked?
You're a bigot and a hater, read your past posts pal, you've proven it every time to open your ignorant mouth.
Is "Bunk" the best y'all can come up with? Don't you want to call the station and get an explanation? Do you swallow everything they feed you with no questions asked?
You're a bigot and a hater, read your past posts pal, you've proven it every time to open your ignorant mouth.
- May 20, 2011
- 8:53 p.m.
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countywatchdog writes:
As I stated earlier Debra Browns attoney is Keith Davis, the same attorney that represents the county on all legal matters. So I am wanting to know if he is being paid by the browns or doing it pro bono just to keep his contract with the county, and if so don't you think the high and mighty judge brown would say " conflict of interest" you can't represent us
- May 20, 2011
- 8:57 p.m.
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WaInTWor writes:
Well, read all the attached documents and information provided by the CAC employees. Sad to say, Mrs. Brown, Me thinks you better pack your bags for a long stay, courtesy of the State or Federal Govt. Shameful behavior. People speak up sooner and don't let something go on like this! Hurts everyone.
- May 20, 2011
- 9:06 p.m.
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countywatchdog writes:
in response to WaInTWor:Well, read all the attached documents and information provided by the CAC employees. Sad to say, Mrs. Brown, Me thinks you better pack your bags for a long stay, courtesy of the State or Federal Govt. Shameful behavior. People speak up sooner and don't let something go on like this! Hurts everyone.
Yes your right shameful but happens all over, just like a few commissioners last year taking a raise ( when no employees got one) and a few people were laid off from the county. Pct. 2 mainly
- May 20, 2011
- 9:14 p.m.
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san_angelo_ex_pat writes:
in response to WilliesFriend:So prove ONE fact written about debbie is false.
Is "Bunk" the best y'all can come up with? Don't you want to call the station and get an explanation? Do you swallow everything they feed you with no questions asked?
You're a bigot and a hater, read your past posts pal, you've proven it every time to open your ignorant mouth.
Listen, micro-mind. The "Bunk" was in reply to the implication that the station would shut things down for ten minutes to avoid saying anything that might "offend" Judge Brown. Anybody that would believe that has the I.Q. of tree bark.
- May 20, 2011
- 9:15 p.m.
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cassell writes:
I'm a firm believer of "innocent until proven guilty", but if all this is true, I'm shocked by the lack of "checks and balances". Who approved these expenses on a monthly basis? How did the organization continue to meet allocation goals when so much money was being spent on expense items that weren't budgeted? How did this stay "under the radar" when non-profits are struggling to stay afloat as a result of the devastating economy?
- May 20, 2011
- 9:21 p.m.
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Boobear writes:
I'd like to know where the furniture she purchased is located. Is it in Judge Brown's house?
Wake up, Texans! You have valid reasons to recall Judge Brown.
Wake up, Texans! You have valid reasons to recall Judge Brown.
- May 20, 2011
- 9:21 p.m.
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countywatchdog writes:
Just got an email from a friend. Judge Brown wants to close down the county shop ( thats where they do up keep on all patrol cars and other county vehicles) and he wants to contract everything out. What do you think that would cost and could you trust someone in a jiffy lube to really take care of a patrol car? What if they have been in touble before? They think "here is my chance to get even? Putting officers in a bad spot I think, but mainly who does he have in mind for "Contract out" ?
- May 20, 2011
- 9:31 p.m.
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countywatchdog writes:
in response to Boobear:I'd like to know where the furniture she purchased is located. Is it in Judge Brown's house?
Wake up, Texans! You have valid reasons to recall Judge Brown.
You really think its still there? They have had a few months to get rid of it
Boobear writes:
in response to RoddyShanafelt:make your comments quickly. I have noticed stories like this one don't stay on this web site long, someone with authority deletes them.
Yesterday I read a comment posted here that said she bought a book called "Church of Lies." But I can't seem to find that post now.
"Church of Lies" is an anti-polygamy book written by Flora Jessop. If Debra wants to read anti-polygamy books, that's fine. But don't you think she should buy them with her own dime?
"Church of Lies" is an anti-polygamy book written by Flora Jessop. If Debra wants to read anti-polygamy books, that's fine. But don't you think she should buy them with her own dime?
- May 20, 2011
- 9:53 p.m.
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Mr_Happy writes:
in response to countywatchdog:As I stated earlier Debra Browns attoney is Keith Davis, the same attorney that represents the county on all legal matters. So I am wanting to know if he is being paid by the browns or doing it pro bono just to keep his contract with the county, and if so don't you think the high and mighty judge brown would say " conflict of interest" you can't represent us
Are you telling me some attorney (Keith Davis) that represents Tom Green County in all legal matters is also representing the County Judge’s wife in . . . . what I assume is . . . a potential State / Federal felony case?
What happens if the Judge is implicated? What if he went on one of these trips with his wife? What if some of this furniture is at their house?
This stinks!
What happens if the Judge is implicated? What if he went on one of these trips with his wife? What if some of this furniture is at their house?
This stinks!
- May 20, 2011
- 9:57 p.m.
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anna writes:
in response to san_angelo_ex_pat:Listen, micro-mind. The "Bunk" was in reply to the implication that the station would shut things down for ten minutes to avoid saying anything that might "offend" Judge Brown. Anybody that would believe that has the I.Q. of tree bark.
Ooh ooh, did I ruffle some feathers? Are you one of Judge Brown's minions, out to do his bidding?
Seriously, chill out homie.
Peace out!
Seriously, chill out homie.
Peace out!
- May 20, 2011
- 10:03 p.m.
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countywatchdog writes:
in response to Mr_Happy:Are you telling me some attorney (Keith Davis) that represents Tom Green County in all legal matters is also representing the County Judge’s wife in . . . . what I assume is . . . a potential State / Federal felony case?
What happens if the Judge is implicated? What if he went on one of these trips with his wife? What if some of this furniture is at their house?
This stinks!
Yes thats right and if you want proof go to commissioners court meetings ( you can see them on the county web site) Those minutes tell who was present and who was saying what
- May 20, 2011
- 10:05 p.m.
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The_Mrs writes:
in response to Milton:Considering the amount of profanity and hatred spewing from your link, I am a little surprised the SAST has not removed it. They should. Profanity is typically a tool used by the desperate or someone who lacks the substance to otherwise make a valid argument.
I agree. Wow, I read that blog and the only thought going through my mind was "How in the world has he not been charged with libel??"
Make no mistake, I'm deeply disappointed about these allegations, but it makes my blood boil when I think about all the Christmas gifts (specifically the gift cards) I dropped off at Ms Browns office for the CASA children and wonder if the kids actually ever received them. But Bill Medvecky, your blog is hateful, full of vile, and does nothing to promote your case with the issue at hand.
Make no mistake, I'm deeply disappointed about these allegations, but it makes my blood boil when I think about all the Christmas gifts (specifically the gift cards) I dropped off at Ms Browns office for the CASA children and wonder if the kids actually ever received them. But Bill Medvecky, your blog is hateful, full of vile, and does nothing to promote your case with the issue at hand.
- May 20, 2011
- 10:28 p.m.
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countywatchdog writes:
in response to The_Mrs:I agree. Wow, I read that blog and the only thought going through my mind was "How in the world has he not been charged with libel??"
Make no mistake, I'm deeply disappointed about these allegations, but it makes my blood boil when I think about all the Christmas gifts (specifically the gift cards) I dropped off at Ms Browns office for the CASA children and wonder if the kids actually ever received them. But Bill Medvecky, your blog is hateful, full of vile, and does nothing to promote your case with the issue at hand.
You want a real surpise look up the
CASA board members names from the past years. Wonder how Judge Brown was on that?
CASA board members names from the past years. Wonder how Judge Brown was on that?
- May 20, 2011
- 10:38 p.m.
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countywatchdog writes:
(This comment was removed by the site staff.)
- May 21, 2011
- 3:14 a.m.
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WilliesFriend writes:
in response to The_Mrs:I agree. Wow, I read that blog and the only thought going through my mind was "How in the world has he not been charged with libel??"
Make no mistake, I'm deeply disappointed about these allegations, but it makes my blood boil when I think about all the Christmas gifts (specifically the gift cards) I dropped off at Ms Browns office for the CASA children and wonder if the kids actually ever received them. But Bill Medvecky, your blog is hateful, full of vile, and does nothing to promote your case with the issue at hand.
You CANNOT be charged with libel when you are printing the truth. Give me an example of what you think is NOT the truth and I'll be happy to back up my words with facts.
I was recently sued for 1.2 million dollars by one of the bigots and haters (Texasbluesman, Gregory Prickett) in Dallas County Court. In ADDITION to loosing his job as a rent-a-cop for North Texas University, the suit was dismissed.
You need to understand; what I go after is the sanctimonious, hypocritical, garbage that kidnapped and raped 465 children for being Mormon. One by one, they are ALL being shown for their true colors, and it isn't pretty. I am accused of being rude and crude; I don't think I'm half as harsh as they deserve for the things they did to those children.
And PLEASE don't talk to me about "Those men". You boys have SCHOOLs full of little girls with babies. At last count, SAISD had OVER 325 girls either pregnant, or with child registered this year in your Elementary and High Schools, so the Ranch could be taking some lessons from you folks when it comes to "Having sex with children".
By the way, Natalie Malonis was recently arrested in Tarrant County, Texas. (It's public record). Hugh MsBryde just told me that the muff divers were upset that her picture is out there. You should have said something earlier; Is this what pisses you off?
I was recently sued for 1.2 million dollars by one of the bigots and haters (Texasbluesman, Gregory Prickett) in Dallas County Court. In ADDITION to loosing his job as a rent-a-cop for North Texas University, the suit was dismissed.
You need to understand; what I go after is the sanctimonious, hypocritical, garbage that kidnapped and raped 465 children for being Mormon. One by one, they are ALL being shown for their true colors, and it isn't pretty. I am accused of being rude and crude; I don't think I'm half as harsh as they deserve for the things they did to those children.
And PLEASE don't talk to me about "Those men". You boys have SCHOOLs full of little girls with babies. At last count, SAISD had OVER 325 girls either pregnant, or with child registered this year in your Elementary and High Schools, so the Ranch could be taking some lessons from you folks when it comes to "Having sex with children".
By the way, Natalie Malonis was recently arrested in Tarrant County, Texas. (It's public record). Hugh MsBryde just told me that the muff divers were upset that her picture is out there. You should have said something earlier; Is this what pisses you off?
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okeydokey writes: