On April 6, 2009 and then again on September 14, 2009, Dan Fisher's STD laden hatchett boy, Sam Brower, brought a heavy load of gawkers into the Creek for a day of merriment, voyeurism and a showing of unity in their mutual bigotry and hatred of the children and parents of a religion they all despise and have vowed to crush.
The vow is an American Right for things of their ilk, so that in itself could not be challenged by me, but I DID want to know who was picking up the tab for this showing of blatant persecution of these children, which had now been going on for one full year back in their home turf, the sewer of Texas.
Every single one of these porkers who crawled out of the rented luxury car were San Angelo, Texas CASA workers, and these kinds of people NEVER pay their own way. I knew that either Dan Fisher was picking up the Tab, or CASA was.
I doubted that Dan was footing the bill simply because I had already asked the IRS to figure out how much 501 (3) (c) money he was funneling into his private vendetta against the Church and family he had so miserably failed and abused in the past. Good old Dr. Dan wasn't about to be using any Tax Free money while the IRS studies his spending habits, so he was out as the source.
I knew damned well that our STD laden pal wasn't footing the bill, he never bought a condom in his life that wasn't paid for by Dr. Dan.
That left the only possibility being CASA credit cards and Expense Accounts.
Now if you read the propaganda, CASA "Helps" children by being their advocate in Court. That's the myth. Their are a Court appointed advocate that are supposed to do independent investigations concerning the children they are assigned to and then "Report" to the Court, independent of the States view, or the parents view. They tell the Court the "Real" story. Horseshit!
The fact of the matter is, if a CASA does not fall in lock-step with CPS, they are out of there. For example, NOT ONE CASA thought that ripping the F LDS children out of their mothers arms was a bad idea. This, despite what the Appeals Court said was "No evidence whatsoever on the Record that the children were ever in any immediate danger". What exactly did CASA see that the Appeals Court did not? You may cut it any way you like, CASA is a rubber stamp for CPS, nothing more, nothing less.
Now, exactly one year later, here were these same CASA workers peering through second story bedroom windows with binoculars looking for what? Mormon underwear? And more importantly, who was paying for this pantie raid?
The junkets had started and ended in Las Vegas, so the first task was to find out if CASA had any "Meetings" or "Conferences" going on alongside the slot machines and roulette wheels to make the expenses "Legitimate" as far as Uncle Sam was concerned. No, during this time frame, CASA was not offering any freebies to Vegas to hide the real purpose of the trip.
That meant the damsels either paid for the trip out of their own pockets, or, Joe Taxpayer was paying for their fetishes. Now anybody who knows a government worker, knows that they pay for NOTHING if they can help it.
That could only mean that Tax Free money was being used for private, personal use. I wondered if CASA knew that? I wondered if CASA condoned that? I wondered if CASA even KNEW about the junkets?
Lately, CASA has an image problem. It's kind of like the "Little Sisters of the Poor" who made an illiterate Texan a multi-millionaire because they thought he was going to become a billionaire. The problem is that every time CASA turns around, one of their folks is audited and is found to have run off with half a million or so from the CASA till. Like the "Little Sisters of the Poor", where do these bimbets even come up with this kind of money, after all, they are merely "Volunteer's" who work for nothing and are not supported by the State. (If you believe that, I have a bridge to sell you).
The truth is; CASA is well funded with Tax money and is every bit a part of the child stealing business that CPS is. They are full partners. Each Chapter has millions of dollars to spend, and CASA does little, if any, oversight over that money until somebody starts asking questions and they HAVE to do an audit.
Surprise, surprise. You've just been audited Debbie. The only remaining question is; do you take the fall for the whole thing, or do the rest of the damsels that enjoyed the laundry show also be held responsible? Does Shirley Davis and Heather Ward step up to the plate or leave Debbie swinging alone? We shall see what CASA has to say about that, I sent all the pictures of the pantie peepers to Washington for them to figure out. Naturally, if that doesn't stop our voyeuristic pals, we can see what the IRS thinks about footing their fetishes.
Arriving in the Creek isn't exactly like going to Vegas. After being persecuted for their entire lives, when the dreck arrives in their midst, the locals know it.
This is a shot of Andrew Chatwin's house in the Creek. Lard ass and her galpals went to Andrew's to try to get a peek at some Mormon underwear. Next door to Andrew, lives Willie Jessop. Peering through binoculars from Andrew's second story window, it's not known how much of their fetish was satisfied, but they were in the house for a good half hour getting their jollies off.
By the way, can anybody guess who's credit card payed for the Nevada rental car with license number 953-UTR? CASA knows!
As if they didn't already have enough problems, the damsels stopped in for a side of beef.
It must be something in the air in Texas. Are ALL the women there as big as the cows?
If she's not pregnant, she should be.
Poor Sam's wife. It appears women are ALWAYS a part of his business.
Yes dear, you were being watched. So what was Lover Boy looking at?
And how clean is Onice Luna and Heather Ward? We'll find out.
The bottom line here girls is that if you're going to be calling people bastards, you had better make damned sure of your own lineage first!
The mistake made by folks like Natalie, Angie, Debbie, Shirley, Sam, Dan and Greg Prickette was that they all thought that they could persecute folks with immunity.
If you're going to pretend you're better than those Mormons, than I plan to hold you to it. My first suggestion is that you take off your CPS and barbie knee pads, they're a dead giveaway.
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Following the assassination by Texas of John F. Kennedy, a lot of folks wanted to know how Lee Harvey Oswald ever got back into the United States from Russia.
He had walked into the U.S. Embassy in Moscow, ripped up his Passport, and threw it at the Embassy worker declaring that he was renouncing his U.S. Citizenship.
We'll, if this was so, how did he get it back?
As it turns out, there are just SOME THINGS you CANNOT give away, and one of them is being a U.S. Citizen, if you were born one. You can do and say anything you want, your can waive or deny anything you want, you are still a Citizen regardless. It all has to do with the Constitution (U.S., not Texas), and "Unalienable Rights".
I learned that when I was 16 years old. I also learned that there are more than just that one Right. (Which is probably why the Framers worded the Constitution the way they did.)
Keeping all of that in mind:
When Texas railroaded Warren into Texas, they have 120 days to try and convict him of any "Crimes" or he goes free. The clock started on November 30,2010
It tolls on March 30, 2011
If Warren isn't CONVICTED of a crime by that date, he walks.
Barbie is aware of all of this, and she has her sanitary napkin flying to ensure that it is done by that date if she has to sit on the jury herself to do it.
With the "Evidence" that Texas stole from the Ranch said to be "Extensive", no lawyer has been willing to take the case for fear of not being able to properly defend Warren within barbie's artificial deadline.
Up to now, she has been claiming that her agenda can be easily met by any attorney, and has stuck to her ultimatum.
It now appears that Warren has ripped up his Right to a 120 day time limit on his Persecution and given up his Right in that regard under duress.
Suddenly, with barbie believing her artificial deadline is gone, has agreed to a tentative August Trial Date for Warren.
Gee barbie, if the lawyers could get their act together in a few weeks just a few days ago, what has changed in the case so drastically that they need half a year to prepare for it today? (Don't bother to answer me, but you might want to have an answer ready for the Court of Appeals.)
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