Saturday, January 22, 2011


In testimony under Oath in Canada several days ago, Carolyn Jessop told the heart wrenching story of babies and children being water boarded to get the children to conform to their life in their "Cult".

Most people took her words as Gospel, after all, had she not "Escaped" from this evil cult herself with her 8 children? She even wrote a book about it. In fact, she wrote two books about it. Things were SO BAD, Carolyn even separated from the father of her children.

She testified just last week that the "Cult" even has a name for this "Common" form of torture they all put their children through, it's called "Breaking in" and everybody does it and is aware of the practice.


In 2003 in Court, Carolyn wanted sole Custody of her children. She was awarded Custody, and Merril Jessop, the children's father was awarded visitation rights to all 8 children.

In 2007, she told her story in her first book.

In 2009, she wrote her second book.

QUESTION: When was the VERY FIRST TIME Carolyn mentioned a word about waterboarding or "Breaking in" children, even her own?

Actually, it was during an "Interview" during the Attack on the Ranch in 2008.

She then mentioned it in 2009 in the SECOND book.

Last week, she mentioned it again in Court in Canada.

Carolyn Jessop, in Family Court to "Protect" her children from the "Monster" who was her husband never once said a word to the Judge in 2003 about holding babies underwater or of "Breaking in" her children.

Carolyn Jessop wrote a BOOK in 2007 and NOT ONCE mentioned waterboarding or of the "Common" practice of "Breaking in" the children of the FLDS or her own.

So, when did we all learn of "Waterboarding"?

Not until after Carolyn's book came out in 2007 related to Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

Where did Carolyn get the fantasy in 2008? Where did the fantasy come from in 2009 for book two, and then again last week?  From the headlines in her local newspapers.

So before the RCMP goes jumping into their tanks to "SAVE" the children of Bountiful from that "Torture", keep in mind:


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