Tuesday, February 8, 2011


As they currently have in Tom Green County, the system sucks of CASA want even more millions of dollars to go on Vegas junkets and help steal children for parents to sell them on the Texas Baptist foster care and adoption block. 

February 8, 2011

Local CASA advocates join others in Austin to plead for foster kids

HUNTSVILLE — AUSTIN — A group of four  volunteers and staff members from CASA of Walker and  San Jacinto Counties joined more than 200 children’s advocates from  around the state at the Capitol last week to speak up for  children in the foster care system.

("Speak up for children" my ass. What they REALLY mean is to help CPS take the kids and see to it they NEVER return home.)

Last year, nearly 43,000 children were in the custody of the Texas  Department of Family and Protective Services because of evidence of  abuse and neglect.

(That's what they said about the 465 Mormon children too. Exactly how many of them were PROVEN to be abused?)

Despite projections that the figure will grow 20  percent by 2014, the proposed budget recently filed in the Texas House  of Representatives recommends cutting $467 million from an agency that  is already overburdened and underfunded. With nearly 43,000 children  in care and another 10,000 projected to enter care by 2014, CASA  advocates want to make sure there are sufficient resources for Child  Protective Services caseworkers, services and CASA volunteers to keep  children safe.

(Each CASA Chapter receives an AVERAGE $750,000.00 from the State of Texas to help CPS steal children for fun and profit. Did you now that in 2008, just ONE CASA worker in San Angelo, Texas received $64,480.00 in PAY! That's a lot of "Concern" to protect.)

Representatives from CASA of Walker & San Jacinto Counties joined  other child advocates in leaving toys at a poignant memorial in the  Capitol honoring the 227 Texas children who died from abuse and  neglect in the 2010. More than 80 percent of those children were under the age of 5.

(Real touching. Did you know that in San Angelo, after breaking a childs bottle of insulin, CASA and CPS REFUSED to provide her with more? Of these 227 Texas children who died last year, how many of them were in CPS "Care and custody" at the time?  Did this figure include children like Pedro who had his throut ripped out by a pit bull? How about Michael, who was murdered at DAYSTAR? Maybe if CPS stopped raping, killing and abusing these kids in foster care, this number would shrink to a few dozen!)

“Our volunteers speak up for the best interests of abused and  neglected children in our courts,” said Debbie Sapp, executive  director of CASA of Walker & San Jacinto Counties.

(Ask any parent who has been through the process; CASA is a rubber stamp for CPS. That's why CPS PAYS them. This "Volunteer" crap is just that!)

“We wanted to make  sure these children’s voices are also heard at the Capitol. We believed it was necessary to go to Austin and share stories about  the children we stand up for who have suffered in ways we don’t want  to think about. We want our elected officials to know that there are vulnerable children, more than half who are under the age of 6, who  will be directly affected by their decisions,” Sapp said.

(We also need the salary's, right Mr. Sapp? Say, just how much do YOU make? Never mind, I'll pull your 990 from the IRS and let folks know exactly why you went to Austin.)

“The safety of our children must be a priority for our state. With the $27 billion shortfall, we understand that legislators have difficult choices to make for our state,” said Michelle Charlston,  CASA case supervisor. “But we think that at a time when every eight  minutes a child is abused in the state of Texas and we average 19 children a month dying from abuse and neglect, this is not the time to cut Child Protective Services funds.”

(Likewise Michelle, we'll figure out what the 990 says about your salary as well)

Programs like  CASA, are not only are good for children, but are good for taxpayers, said Phil Palmer, CASA advocate.

(Notice that what they did was highjack a Rally "For the children" into a Rally for their paychecks.)

“We have a track record of helping children move through the  foster care system and into safe loving homes as quickly as possible, Palmer  said.

("Into safe loving homes". Read that as; We can sell these kids, make a salary, make bonuses, and screw the kids actual family. Notice these people NEVER believe a child should be returned home. Even After the Supreme Court bitch slapped them for stealing the Mormon children, CASA BLASTED CPS and the State for returning them home where they belonged.)

The abused and neglected children that CASA of Walker & San Jacinto  Counties represent deserve a voice at the Capitol, said Joe Gagen,  chief executive officer of Texas CASA, a network of 69 local CASA  programs that serve foster children in 204 Texas counties.

"Serve" is probably a little short of accurate. How about "Serve up"? By the way Joe, how much do you make to steal children for CPS? I'm guessing you earn $125,000.00 per year in Salary PLUS expenses. Let's take a look at your 990 and find out, shall we?)

“In partnership with CASA of Walker & San Jacinto Counties, we are  speaking up for foster children’s needs and adequate funding to meet  those needs — enough caseworkers, services, and CASA volunteers to  keep children safe and placed in permanent homes as soon as possible,"  Gagen said.

(How is protecting your salaries and ensuring that children are not returned to their parents "Speaking up" for them? Just exactly how many children have ever begged you to sell them?)

Sapp, Charlston, Jan Noel, and Palmer met with  state Rep. James White and Rep. Lois  Kolkhorst’s chief of staff to share concerns about  funding for foster children and CASA programs.

(Impressive group. I will find out the combined salaries to determine what prompted the Chief of Staff's to grant you a meeting. I know DAMNED well no parent would ever get the chance to talk to them.)

Statewide, 6,619 CASA volunteers advocated for 20,861 foster children  last year. Only half the children in the Texas foster care system have  CASA volunteers.

(Finally some good news! Half the children don't have to battle TWO entities who want them sold on the slave markets)

For more information about CASA, visit its website at www.BecomeACASA.org. Visit the local chapter at  www.CASAofWalkerCounty.org or call (936) 291-6363.

(If you call them, you get a sales pitch. If you want the FACTS, they simply download a copy of their Federal Form 990, Return of Organization Exempt From Income Tax and you'll find out EXACTLT why they schlept to Austin, and it had NOTHING to do with some snot nosed kid.)

1 comment:

  1. Update on Debbie Sapp of CASA of Walker County:

    The last 990 (2008) she handed to the IRS shows that the State gave her $80,000.00 to run CASA of Walker County as a part time (20 hours a week) job.

    She gave herself a salary of $40.000.00 PLUS expenses.

    Not too shabby for part-time huh?

    Now, let's talk about "The best interest of the children".
